Segregation of Duties to Prevent Embezzlement


In the business world, efficient and accurate processes are essential to smooth operations and safeguard against potential fraud or errors. An integral part of this is the concept of “Segregation of Duties” (SoD). – Download the master Segregation of Duties Workbook (Excell) – What is Segregation of Duties? SoD is a risk management strategy that […]

Hiring an On-demand CFO? 5 Things to Know

on-demand cfo hire

A Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is an executive role within an organization that takes responsibility for finance, financial planning, mergers and acquisitions, valuation, financing and investors, and other important financial aspects of the business. Having an on-demand CFO can provide your business flexible expertise. While a major corporation will certainly have a full-time CFO, this […]

How to Calculate a SaaS Valuation

SaaS Company Valuation Multiples

The software as a service (SaaS) industry is undergoing rapid growth. Data from Deloitte shows that the industry has grown by 25% each year since 2011, and that trend is only accelerating. This trend makes SaaS valuation increasingly important. This thriving market has led to significant competition among investors and venture capital to invest in […]

Preparing Your Business for a Recession

What Is a Recession

Many business publications are talking about a coming recession. According to the traditional definition–two quarters of negative GDP growth–it’s already here. GDP, or gross domestic product, is the total amount of spending by end users in the economy. But what is a recession? And what should your business do about it? Navigating a recession can […]

The Ultimate Guide to CFO Services

What Is a CFO

Get the most out of your financial department with the Ultimate Guide to CFO Services. Learn about key roles and responsibilities of a CFO, challenges and solutions for CFOs, tips for optimizing financial processes, and more. Get started today with our

How to prepare for a business loan

How to Get a Business Loan

Having the right amount of money coming into the business leads to new products, new services, more personnel, and other critical issues small business owners need. Figuring out how to get a business loan is a valid concern for many business owners, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. How Does a Business Loan Work? […]

Comptroller vs. Controller: What Is the Difference?

An outsourced Comptroller in a meeting with his team at his designated company.

It’s common to see people use the terms comptroller vs. controller interchangeably when referring to someone who runs a business’s financial operations. While both roles may technically mean the same, they differ slightly in specific duties and industries. What is a Comptroller? In the United States, a comptroller is a senior-level executive in charge of […]

Part-Time CFO for Small Businesses

Part-Time CFO for Small Businesses

When it comes to making decisions that will affect your bottom line, it’s best to have the insight of a CFO to go by. But hiring a full-time CFO can be expensive. Enter part-time CFOs. A part-time CFO handles similar duties as a full-time CFO, but at reduced hours and hence reduced cost. When it […]

What Is The Difference Between a Merger and an Acquisition?

Merger vs. Acquisition

When two businesses decide to combine forces, there are a few different ways that this can happen. The most common way for two businesses to join together is through a merger. However, sometimes one business will buy another business in what is called an acquisition. So, what is the difference between a merger and an […]

What Is Meant by Capital Depreciation?

What Is Meant by Capital Depreciation

Credit: Lenny Kuhne Running a business is hard work, and business expenses and operations rely on not just strategic vision, but awareness of key financial metrics across the organization. One of those key concepts is capital depreciation. What is meant by capital depreciation? Simply put, capital depreciation is the concept that capital assets lose value […]