Why You Didn’t Get the Job:

Thoughts from the Hiring Managers Prospective

For the last few months we have been advertising to fill a position. We’ve posted on various paid internet hiring sites as well as undergraduate and graduate business schools. Each day we review about 10-20 resumes. Time was taken to setup each site with brief questionnaires in hope that people who are not qualified will be detected. In the last month we’ve received 145 resumes and we still have not filled the position.

Why? Here is the breakdown:

126 were rejected

32 resumes were not within 50 miles of the location- a question which was asked before applying, and was ignored.

89 resumes had spelling or punctuation errors. Since this was the majority of the resumes, here’s just ONE as an example:


Works well with ohers
Pays attention to detail

WHAT?!?! Where was the attention to detail? Any Microsoft Word document will tell you that there is a spelling error!

13 resumes had no job experience related to the position. While there are people looking to further their training, this position required at least 2 years of experience. Again a question which was asked before applying, and ignored.

8 resumes didn’t have a Bachelor’s Degree. Again asked before applying, and ignored.

There were 19 resumes printed for further review. Only about 1/3 of these people are actually qualified for the position.

Here’s a few tips to help you Get The Job!

  1. The #1 reason you don’t get the job is spelling and grammar mistakes. Just one spelling error can be the reason for rejection. People don’t want to hire someone who makes simple mistakes. Your resume is a reflection of you so be sure to look your best. Having another person look at your resume is so important. Two sets of eyes are better than one.
  2. Write a cover letter. Explain why you are the right candidate for the position. Referencing specifics about the position and why you are a good fit are almost as important as your actual resume. Also, reference the correct position, we had resumes referencing a position we weren’t advertising.
  3. Apply for jobs that fit your schooling or work experience. You will be more likely to receive a call back for an interview rather than wasting time sending your resume to every open position available. Most job seekers use the shotgun approach because it’s easy with technology. But it isn’t effective.
  4. Take the time to put details on your past work or school experience. Most hiring sites will pull words from your resume, like AdWords, and connect you with the right position.
  5. Resumes should be no more than 2-3 pages maximum. Shorter is better.
  6. Don’t lie or “enhance” your resume suggesting you are qualified for something that you know nothing about. Chances are there will be testing on your experience.
    Want more tips on resume writing to get the job? Check out http://www.monster.com/career-advice/article/how-to-write-a-resume

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Todd Rammler

Todd Rammler is the President and founder of Michigan CFO Associates.  Todd is a Certified Management Accountant (CMA), and holds an MS in Accounting from Walsh College (cum laude), and a BBA in Finance from Western Michigan University.

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